JAX Open API Day

Unlock the Power of APIs at Open API Day
Mittwoch, 24.04.2024

Open API Day

APIs are the connective fabric of anything digital today. Managing APIs well and making the most out of them is critical for creating business value from digital transformation initiatives. How can we best do that and how can we take advantage of the growing ecosystem of API technologies, tools, and practices?

Join the JAX Open API Track organized by the [OpenAPI Initiative](https://www.openapis.org/) to better understand why API descriptions such as OpenAPI matter, what you can do with them, and how yo can translate their potential into business value. We’ll have presentations covering the three important aspects of working with API descriptions:

  • What are popular and emerging formats and how do I use them for my APIs?
  • What are tools that I can use that allow me to better manage the API lifecycle once I have descriptions?
  • Case studies of organizations that are using API descriptions strategically and report on gains and challenges.

Join us for the Open API Day at JAX to find out how to get more out of your APIs! 

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