The conference for Java,
architecture and software innovation

November 3 – 7, 2025
Expo: November 4 – 6, 2025
Munich or Online

Java 21 and Beyond: Practical insights into the latest Java developments and technologies.

Future-proof software architectures: best practices for enterprise Java, Microservices and DevOps for scalable IT systems.

Understanding and applying current IT trends: Deep dive into JavaScript, Cloud-Native and Serverless Technologies.

Generative AI and machine learning for Java: practical integration for powerful, innovative and intelligent software solutions.

per Year
Years of Java Conferences
Sessions, Workshops & Keynotes
Enthusiastic Java & IT Experts

5 Reasons to attend

15+ Power Workshops
with live coding & idea development
20+ years
Expertise in Java knowledge transfer
5 days
with 150 workshops, keynotes and sessions
Strong expertise
with speakers from leading tech companies
with the Java community



Conference Tracks

Explore our main topics: Click the icons to discover the latest trends of 2024

Program Highlights 2024

Conference Days | November 5 – 7, 2024


Speaker Line Up 2024

Patric Betz

Experte für KI-getriebene IT-Projektautomatisierung
Expert in AI-driven IT project automation

Daniel Buza

JAVA developer and tech lead
JAVA developer and tech lead

Konstantin Diener

Experte für agile Methoden und Java-Plattform-Technologien
Expert in agile methodologies and Java platform technologies

Uwe Friedrichsen

Spezialist für verteilte, hochskalierbare Systeme
Specialist in Distributed, Highly Scalable Systems

Nils Hartmann

Java und JavaScript/TypeScript Entwickler und Trainer
Java Backend & React Frontend Expert

Michael Hofmann

Experte für Softwarearchitektur, Java Enterprise und DevOps
Expert in Software Architecture, Java Enterprise, and DevOps

Michael Inden

Professor of Web Development and Blogger on Innovative Web Technologies.
Java Expert and Technical Author with Over 20 Years of Experience

Thorben Janssen

Experte für Hibernate und Spring Data JPA
Experte in Hibernate and Spring Data JPA

Niko Köbler

Mr. Keycloak - Experte für Keycloak, Identity Management und Single-Sign-On
Mr. Keycloak - Experte for Keycloak, Identity Management and Single-Sign-On

Michael Kotten

Experte für Java Enterprise, Microservices und Continuous Delivery
Expert in Java Enterprise, microservices, and continuous delivery

Peter Kröner

Expert for Java and TypeScript, Frontend-Tech, Web Components, Web Standards
Expert for Java and TypeScript, Frontend-Tech, Web Components, Web Standards

Carola Lilienthal

Software-Architektin | DDD Expertin | Speakerin & Autorin
Software Architect | DDD Expert | Speaker & Author

Daniel Lübke

Experte für Software- und Geschäftsprozessarchitekturen
Expert in software and business process architectures

Sebastian Meyen

Program Chair Software & Support Media GmbH
Program Chair Software & Support Media GmbH

Diana Montalion

Author & Systems Architecture, Thinking and Design Engineer
Author & Systems Architecture, Thinking and Design Engineer

Bernd Müller

Java-EE-Experte, Hochschulprofessor und Buchautor
Java EE expert, university professor, and author

Jörg Neumann

Berater für AI-Lösungen und Microsoft MVP
Consultant for AI Solutions and Microsoft MVP

Florian Pfleiderer

Agile Software Entwickler - Architektur & Microservices
Agile Software Engineer - Architecture & Microservices

Wolfgang Pleus

Experte für agile IT-Projekte und Initiator der Creative Software Workbench
Expert in agile IT projects and initiator of the Creative Software Workbench

Nicole Rauch

Softwareentwicklung & Entwicklungscoaching für funktionale Programmiersprachen
Software Developer and Coach Focused on Functional Programming Languages

Lars Röwekamp

Gründer & CIO für neue Technologien & Experte für Enterprise, Cloud Computing, Big Data & KI
Founder & CIO for new technologies and expert in enterprise and cloud computing, big data and AI.

Thomas Schissler

Gründer von agileMax, Experte für Agilität und DevOps
Gründer von agileMax, Experte für Agilität und DevOps

Christian Seifert

Software Architekt | Digitale Transformation & Arbeitsweisen, die begeistern – nicht nur technisch
Software architect | Digital transformation & ways of working that inspire - not just technically

Paul Senkel

Application Security and Software Architecture Expert
Application Security and Software Architecture Expert

Marco Sieben

Agiler Fullstack-Entwickler | Optimierung von Softwareentwicklungsprozessen.
Agile full-stack developer | Specialized in optimizing software development processes

Falk Sippach

Softwarearchitekt, Berater und Trainer von embarc Software Consulting GmbH mit Fokus auf Java und agile Projekte
Software architect, consultant and trainer at embarc Software Consulting GmbH with a focus on Java and agile projects

Karsten Sitterberg

Freiberuflicher Entwickler, Trainer und Berater für Webtechnologien und Java | Experte für HTTP APIs, TypeScript und Angular
Freelance developer, trainer, and consultant specializing in web technologies and Java | Expert in HTTP APIs, TypeScript, and Angular

Gernot Starke

Berater und Trainer für methodische Softwareentwicklung und -architektur
Consultant and Trainer for Methodical Software Development and Architecture

Frank Steimle

Consultant, Experte für Domain-driven Design & agile Softwareentwicklung
Consultant, Expert for Domain-driven Design & Agile Software Development

Manfred Steyer

Angular Trainer, Consultant & GDE
Angular Trainer, Consultant & GDE

Kai Tödter

Experte für Java- und Webtechnologien und Open-Source-Committer
Expert in Java and Web Technologies and Open Source Committer

Roland Weisleder

Java-Experte für Legacy-Systeme und Testautomatisierung
Java Expert for Legacy Systems and Test Automation

Christian Weyer

Gen-AI-Experte für moderne Softwarelösungen | Microsoft MVP & Google GDE | 25+ Jahre Erfahrung
Gen-AI-Experte für moderne Softwarelösungen | Microsoft MVP & Google GDE | 25+ Jahre Erfahrung

Eberhard Wolff

Software Architekt & Berater in der soziotechnischen Software Architektur
Software architect & consultant specialized in socio-technical software architecture

Tim Zöller

Gründer & Spezialist für JVM Technologien
Founder & Specialist for JVM Technologies

Meet the W-JAX Community!

Software developers (Java, Fullstack, Back/FrontEnd) and engineers
72 %
Enterprise and software architects
17 %
65% Decision makers
Operations, DevOps, SRE, platform engineers and administrators
7 %
Product owners, IT consultants and data & business analysts
6 %
Software developers (Java, Fullstack, Back/FrontEnd) and engineers
72 %
Enterprise and software architects
17 %
Operations, DevOps, SRE, platform engineers and administrators
7 %
Product owners, IT consultants and data & business analysts
6 %

The Choice is Yours!

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Stylish conference hotel in a fantastic location!
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Network and exchange experiences with like-minded people

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First-Class Online Conference Platform
Interactive Highlights and Surprises
Network Virtually and Exchange Experiences

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Group discount: Register with 3+ colleagues and save 10% per ticket

5-Day Special: Free Fullstack access to

from 2,429€*
instead of 2,699
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Complete Conference Experience

+ 12 months fullstack access
+ 6 months access to session recordings

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from 1,574€*
instead of 1,749
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The Classic

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from 1,214€*
instead of 1,349
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The Express Experience

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Modern Productivity Day
from 629€*
instead of 699
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A W-JAX classic

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from 629€*
instead of 699
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One Topic – Maximum Knowledge

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*incl. 10% group discount when buying 3 or more tickets, plus VAT - Our Conference Platform

With the 5-day pass, you not only get 6 months of free access to all session recordings, but also 12 months of access to online workshops, tutorials and over 10,000 articles on

You are already a Fullstack subscriber? Then save up to 25% off your conference ticket and get the session recordings for free. Simply enter your ID at the checkout.

Sponsors & Exhibitors



Die beliebte Programmiersprache Java hat mit dem JDK 17 wieder eine LTS-Version erhalten. Was die aktuelle Version umfasst und was sie Neues bringt, erfahren Sie im JAX-Whitepaper 2022.

Angesichts der gravierenden Sicherheitslücken der letzten Monate, wie zum Beispiel der log4j-Vorfall oder der Angriff auf SolarWinds geht das Whitepaper außerdem der Frage nach, wie sich der Security-Prozess in der Softwareentwicklung verbessern lässt.

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Turn a 'Maybe' into a 'Yes': Convince your Boss to Approve W-Jax Munich 2025

W-Jax Munich gathers like-minded professionals to learn, share, and grow. Join us in Munich where industry leaders and innovators will come together to exchange insights, share experiences, and chart the course for the future of Java and Software Innovation . Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your craft, expand your network, and be a part of shaping the next wave of innovation. Click below for a ready-to-use email template to convince your boss and secure approval!


Westin Grand Munich

Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich

W-JAX will take place at the Westin Grand Munich, located in Munich’s Arabellapark. The conference area is connected to the hotel and is easily accessible by public transport and by car.

Alle News der Java-Welt:

Entdecken Sie andere Tracks

Agile, People & Culture
Entdecken Sie neue Dimensionen der Produktivität.

Clouds, Kubernetes & Serverless
So geht Cloud-Native-Entwicklung mit Java.

Core Java & Languages
Schöpfe das volle Potenzial der Java-Plattform aus.

Generative AI & Machine Learning
Endlich AI in ihre Prozesse und Anwendungen erfolgreich aufnehmen.

DevOps & CI/CD
Tief eintauchen in DevOps & CI/CD.

Meistern Sie die Kunst der Microservices-Architektur.

Performance & Security
Software-Exzellenz durch gezielte Optimierung.

Serverside Java
Serverside Java: Entwickle dich weiter.

Architecture & Design
Software-Architektur hautnah erleben.

Web Development & JavaScript
Moderne performante Frontends für Java-Systeme.